Ofsted Rated Us GOOD!

Who are Ofsted?

Ofsted is the UKs education regulator and is responsible for inspecting and reporting on the standards of education and care services for children and young people in England.

Ofsted's inspections help parents and carers choose schools and nurseries for their children. Ofsted's reports include written comments and an overall grade on a 4-point scale: 1 - outstanding, 2 - good, 3 - requires improvement, and 4 - inadequate.

Our Inspection

Ofsted came and inspected Marldon Preschool on 9th January 2024. 

The inspector spoke with parents, staff and committee and assessed the setting, the care and education we provide and relationships we have built with both parents and children within the setting.

We are pleased to confirm, we were rated Good in the following areas;

  • The Quality of Education
  • Behaviour and Attitude
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership and Management

We are even happier to announce - Marldon Preschool is a Good Ofsted Provider!

Please click the button below to download the report for our most recent Ofsted Inspection.

Download Ofsted Report

Please click the button below to visit Ofsteds website and learn more about what they do.

Ofsted Website
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