Our Fees

2 Year Olds £7.20 per hour
3 Years - 5 Years £5.50 per hour
Registration* £25
Consumables* £1.50 per day

* Registration Fee – This is to cover the cost of setting up a new child at Marldon Preschool, and we provide a Marldon Pre-school T-Shirt to each of our new starters. 

*Consumables Fee - This charge is to cover the cost of things that our funding does not cover, and includes, but is not limited to; stationery, crafting items, cleaning products, disposable gloves, tissues, wipes, snacks, baking ingredients etc. 

1. This will be charged for any attendance not funded by the Early Years entitlement also any chargeable lunch club attendances. 

2. We can claim the 2 year old, 3/4 year old universal 15 hours funding and the 3/4 year old extended funding. The funding is claimed on a termly basis.

3. The children’s 2 year old and 3/4 year old universal funding is claimed at headcount week, this is when we inform Devon County Council of the funding hours accessed by the children during that term, this is normally about three weeks into the term.

4. For the 30 hours extended funding, parents need to check their eligibility for the funding via the government website: Children choices. 
If they are eligible, they will be given an 11 digit code, this code needs to be given to the preschool by completing the Parents Funding Declaration form before, the deadline for each term. This funding is then also claimed on the headcount form.

5. The first invoice of the term will be issued after headcount week and will include the weeks for the whole of the first half of the term. The second invoice will be issued at the start of the second half of the term and cover the whole of the second half of the term. Payment will be due by the end of the half term it is issued in (negotiable if required).

6. Failure to produce payment may result in your child’s place being withdrawn.

7. Full fee is required for holidays, sickness and occasional days off.

8. We require four weeks notice if your child is leaving the preschool (this does not apply if they are leaving to go to the Primary school).

If you have any queries regarding payment of fees, please contact Isla Taylor - Administration Manager, Jenty Flynn - Chairperson or Keith Balkwill - Treasurer, who will be pleased to assist.
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